Monday, June 7, 2010

$10-Million Wing to Open Saturday - Media Invitation


Cindy Rullman

859-259-4209 ext 209


Evie Tubbs Sweeney,
Project Manager


Opening of New $10 Million Museum Expansion

WHO:  The Kentucky Horse Park

WHAT:  Opening of new $10-million, 8,000-square foot museum expansion, presentation of the new wing to Gov. Steven L. Beshear for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, organized tours of the galleries and cocktail reception

WHEN:  Saturday, June 12, 5-7pm

WHERE:  International Museum of the Horse, Kentucky Horse Park

WHY:  After 2 ½-years of construction, the new $10-million Al-Marah wing, which was made possible by the largest donation to the Kentucky Horse Park in its 31-year-history, is ready to open to the public.  The two-story permanent expansion features art and artifacts from around the world and technologically enhanced interactive exhibits geared toward youth visitors ages 8-14.  Exhibits were designed by nationally acclaimed Hilferty & Associates.

HOW:  Members of the working media are asked to park in the main parking lot and go to the lobby of the International Museum of the Horse.  For more information contact project manager Evie Tubbs Sweeney, 260-348-1492.  On June 12, please direct inquiries to Cindy Rullman, 859-259-4209.

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