Monday, January 16, 2012


Monday, January 16, 2012





James Riccio, winning owner of King and Crusader (No. 4): “It was all Rick Dutrow. I liked the idea [of running him back on three days rest], but I was just curious as to what the numbers were going to look like and they looked OK. I would say he’s going to get about six weeks off now.”


Cornelio Velasquez, winning jockey aboard King and Crusader (No. 4): “The No. 1 horse [Yo Koffy] and the No. 3 horse [Deliburnsky] wanted to go to the front, and my horse stayed third easy. At the five-sixteenths, I thought I had a lot of horse and he passed them into the lead when I asked him. The other Dutrow horse was coming, but I had a lot of horse. He tried hard. For three days rest, he won easily. I like him. He’s a nice horse.”