Free Gelding Surgeries You Can Help Us Geld More Horses! For the benefit of Kentucky's horses, this free clinic is being provided by the Kentucky Horse Park in partnership with the Kentucky Equine Humane Center and the Kentucky Horse Council, with partial funding provided by the Unwanted Horse Coalition and the Kentucky Horse Council's Save Our Horses (SoHo) fund.
The clinic is open to anyone who is financially unable to afford the surgery. Please click on the flier, above, for more details. We have already received numerous applications for this free service and we would like to accommodate additional applicants. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to allow us to geld more horses! Send donations to the Save Our Horses Fund, c/o Kentucky Horse Council, 1500 Bull Lea Rd, Suite 214C, Lexington, KY 40511. Make sure you mark the subject line: "Free Gelding Clinic." We also ask that you distribute the above flier to anyone who may be in need of this free clinic.
Thank you for being part of the solution in this humane effort to decrease the number of unwanted and inconvenient horses in Kentucky!