June 9, 2010
InCompass Solutions Inc. announced today that it is now offering its Pre-Race Veterinary Exam software free of charge to all racetracks that agree to share their respective examination data with association and regulatory veterinarians at other tracks that are also using the software.
“InCompass has worked closely with The Jockey Club’s Thoroughbred Safety Committee since its formation and the committee made this suggestion with the belief that it would enhance safety throughout the industry,” said Brad Kimbrell, the executive vice president of InCompass. “With that in mind, and to encourage universal usage, we have decided to offer our Pre-Race Veterinary Exam software to tracks for free, as long as they are willing to share the exam data.”
A component of InCompass’ Race Track Operations (RTO) system, the Pre-Race Veterinary Exam module was launched in 2008 to enable examining veterinarians at racetracks to record the details of racehorses’ pre-race soundness inspections in a secure central database.
“The pre-race inspection is a critical component in our ongoing efforts to reduce racing injuries to horses and riders,” said Dr. Mary Scollay, equine medical director for the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission. “The sharing of pre-race exam information enables regulatory veterinarians to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the horses they inspect.”
“Horses from throughout the country ship in to compete at the New York Racing Association tracks, so sharing soundness information with and from veterinarians at other racetracks will be immensely beneficial to all of us,” said P.J. Campo, vice president and director of racing for the New York Racing Association. “NYRA remains fully committed to protecting our sport’s athletes and we will embrace this latest safety initiative. We hope other racetrack operators will do the same.”
Racetracks interested in using the free Pre-Race Veterinary Exam software may contact Michelle Penna, the manager of business support for InCompass, at (800) 625-4664 or by email at
InCompass is a technology solutions company formed in 2001 to centralize the software applications and systems that serve North American racetracks and simulcast outlets, thereby helping these facilities achieve operational efficiencies, reduce costs and increase revenue. The InCompass RTO system is installed at virtually every racetrack in
The Jockey Club, founded in 1894 and dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing, is the breed registry for North American Thoroughbreds. In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club provides support and leadership on a wide range of important industry initiatives and it serves the information and technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans and farms, among others.
The Thoroughbred Safety Committee (TSC) was formed in May 2008 to review every facet of equine health, including breeding practices, medication, the rules of racing and track surfaces, and to recommend actions to be taken by the industry to improve the health and safety of Thoroughbreds. Additional information about the TSC, including the entire text of all seven recommendations made to date, is available in the “Safety Initiatives” section of